International Tuition and Fees

International Cost Calculator

International Cost Calculator

Find out how much studying and living in Canada will cost you based on your specific program and choice of accommodation with the help of our International Cost Calculator.

Please note: some courses have additional lab fees, amounts vary.

Tuition and Fees are based on September to April 2023-24 rates. Tuition figures are estimates. Final costs will be determined by the student’s actual registration. All tuition and fees are subject to change without prior notice. All figures are in Canadian dollars.

Tuition Payments

Payment due dates for returning students will be two weeks after the beginning of the semester (i.e. September 19, 2023 for the upcoming Fall 23 semester).

Note: students will be charged a 5% late fee for payments made after these dates.

Methods of Payment

Please refer to the How Do I Pay? page for detailed information. 

Important Information

  • All payments must include student name, date of birth and/ or VIU student ID.
  • Email a copy of the bank wire payment instructions to
  • Bank wire charges deducted in transit are the responsibility of the student.

If you have received a letter of offer by email, please review the details on the Fee Payment Form for your payment schedule.

For all queries related to fee payments, please contact

Medical Insurance

Refer to Medical Insurance Information for details. 

Deferrals & Refund Policies - International Students

Refer to Deferrals & Refund Policies for International Students for details.