VIU International students

Malahat SkyWalk & Ladysmith

When: Saturday, Aug 6, 2022, 9:15AM - 4:30PM PST

Malahat SkyWalk & Ladysmith, BC

CC Road Trips - Malahat SkyWalk & Ladysmith

Trip Information

Visit Vancouver Island's Newest Attraction. Malahat SkyWalk is an accessible 600 m TreeWalk through a beautiful arbutus forest leading to a spectacular gentle spiral ramp that takes you up 32m to a sightseeing lookout offering views of Finlayson Arm, Saanich Peninsula, Mount Baker and the distant Coast Mountains. Afterwards, join Cultural Connections as we head over to Ladysmith's Transfer Beach Park for some time to relax some more, explore the seaside views, have some great eats at some of the local food trucks and perhaps even enjoy some live music by the grand amphithreate.



Ascend the spiral ramp to peak adventure. At 250 m above sea level, the tower provides sweeping views of Mt. Baker, Finlayson Arm, the Saanich Peninsula, and islands in two countries. Explore the West Coast from a whole new perspective and then choose your descent with a return walk down the ramp or take the fast route on our Spiral Slide. 


The arbutus, or Pacific madrone, appears wonderfully exotic with its smooth chartreuse wood covered by reddish, papery bark. It grows on rocky coastlines and, in spring, bears white flowers that smell like honey. In autumn, red berries help feed many of the local birds and wildlife.


Coming down from the tower on the 20 metre spiral slide might be the only thing as awesome as the view from the top. 


With the ground far below you and breathtaking scenery all around, walk out onto the sturdy 84 ㎡ Adventure Net for an experience unlike any other. Suspended above the centre of the tower, you’ll have uninterrupted views of the lush arbutus forest and the spiralling structure beneath your feet. 

Ladysmith's Transfer Beach Park  

This centrally located seaside park is a major gathering spot for activities and community events. There may be a chance to have a listen to some live music in the large amphitheater area but while here, we can definitely enjoy some free time around the park to enjoy the scenery,  have a bite to eat from your packed lunches or if we are lucky there may even be a food truck or two to enjoy some well-deserved comfort food. You may also head downtown Ladysmith to take in the small-town vibes, enjoy a coffee at the local cafes and do some browsing. Transfer Beach Park is located just off the Trans Canada Highway.

What to Wear:

  • Appropriate clothing and footwear for the weather and for walking

What to Bring:

  • Face mask (optional - not required, but recommended) 
  • Umbrella or rain coat (in case it rains)
  • Water bottle 
  • Money if you wish to shop
  • Snacks & lunch (or money for food)
  • A backpack to carry all your items
  • Camera

Meeting Location: 

VIU Building 255, Main Lobby (second floor) at 9:15 am

Trip Includes:

Round-trip Transportation, Malahat SkyWalk, Merridale Cider Lunch: Artisan Pizza, Fresh Salad & Cider, Self-guided Orchard Walk

Policies, Health & Safety

We have an ongoing commitment to ensure the safety and quality of our trips, with trained and responsible student leaders, staff and community partners. Before you sign-up, please check out our policies & procedures for more information about how to prepare for a trip, as well as our cancellation policy.

How to Sign Up

Our activities are available to all current VIU Students. Sign up with us in person, next to the Front Reception Desk in the "Glassroom" on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12pm – 1:30pm in Building 255 - Second Floor.

You will need to have your:

  1. Student card,
  2. Proof of medical insurance (BC Care Card or Insurance Policy)
  3. Payment (cash is currently the only method of payment for activities)

Waiver Form

Please read our general waiver form for VIU group activities in the attachment section below. All participants are required to read and sign the waiver before the start of the trip. We will provide a paper copy for you to read through again and sign the morning of the trip.


Kelsey Moon – Activity Program Coordinator
250-753-3245 x 2228


VIU Cultural Connections - Waiver.pdf297.5 KB