T.A.R.D.I.S Teleporter

When: Wednesday, Nov 4, 2020, 11:00AM - 1:00PM PST
Add to CalendarT.A.R.D.I.S Teleporter11/04/2020 11:00 AM11/04/2020 01:00 PMMM/DD/YYYYAmerica/VancouverfalseaYqCFcQpUzxLBYhTummH26494

T.A.R.D.I.S Teleporter

(Telecommunication and Relevant Discussions with International Students)


The TARDIS will allow anybody to telecommunicate with international students from many different countries. Join via Zoom and you will be able to ask questions, chat with your fellow global citizens and discover what connects us!

Link to join: https://viu.zoom.us/j/67033686603?pwd=UzRNbFMxb2RiSzEvYW9YNnAwSmJTZz09

Hosted by Faculty of International Education