Activities + Day Trips

The primary goal of our Cultural Connections Activities & Day Trips is to enhance the student experience at VIU. We seek to do this by providing opportunities for students to engage with the local community and experience cultural events, while exploring nature and connecting with peers.

Being connected, active, and engaged in the local environment is healthy. It can help with the cultural adjustment process for students who are new to Canada or new to the community.

For more information contact: 


Robin Lemmens – Activity Program Coordinator
C: 250-618-2549 

Office: 250-740-2228

Salt Spring Island Day Trip

About Salt Spring Island

Salt Spring Island is the largest (70 square miles or 180 square kilometres), most populated (10,500) and, some might say most popular, of the Southern Gulf Islands. Written up in the New York Times as “one of the prettiest artist towns in North America” a visit here will help you find out why they think so…

Coffee Around the World: New Student Welcome Reception

Meet students and staff of VIU's Faculty of International Education while sampling coffee and tea from around the world. VIU international students will host tables representing their respective countries while serving up samples of their favourite coffee or tea from back home. 

This event is a welcome reception for new and returning international students but all VIU community is welcome!

Hosted by VIU Cultural Connections and the Peer Helper Program (International student volunteers)

ELC Orientation: Bowling Activity

Come play 5-pin bowling and meet your new classmates! This orientation activity is only $5 and includes round-trip transportation, shoe rentals, and your bowling fee. 

Seats are limited for this activity. Sign up in Building 255 at the second floor front reception desk Monday-Friday from 8:30 AM- 4 PM, or in the First Floor International Commons on Thursday from 12 PM -1 PM.