Activities + Day Trips

The primary goal of our Cultural Connections Activities & Day Trips is to enhance the student experience at VIU. We seek to do this by providing opportunities for students to engage with the local community and experience cultural events, while exploring nature and connecting with peers.

Being connected, active, and engaged in the local environment is healthy. It can help with the cultural adjustment process for students who are new to Canada or new to the community.

For more information contact: 


Robin Lemmens – Activity Program Coordinator
C: 250-618-2549 

Office: 250-740-2228

Cowichan Exhibition Fair

CC - Road Trips - Cowichan Exhibition Fair

Trip Information

Circle September 18 on your 2021 calendar — that’s the weekend the Cowichan Exhibition is having its 153rd Fair!  It’s a little later than usual; in the past the show has been held on the Friday/Saturday/Sunday immediately after Labour Day.

Quarantine Coffee Chat

This is a special Coffee Chat for those International students who are required to quarantine upon their arrival. A place to check in and meet others who may be having the same feelings as you!  All quarantining students should have received an email with the zoom details; however you can also email for details or any questions.

Coffee Chat

 Join us on Zoom every Wednesday morning at 10 AM for a casual coffee chat with friends. Bring your favourite morning drink & snack and pop in to stay connected!