Tips and Tricks

Returning Home, Harder Than You’d Think

Submitted by Chris Yeast on August 1, 2019 - 9:24am

Before you go abroad you hear and learn all about culture shock and you also talk about re-entry and the possibility of reverse culture shock. But the idea of returning to a country and culture you grew up in or are extremely familiar with and feeling discomfort and unfamiliar seemed strange. Especially since I had only been abroad for five months. However, this is an experience I had returning back home. Now, it may not have been necessarily reverse culture shock by definition, but the feeling of discomfort and unfamiliarity was definitely felt upon my return home.

What I wish I knew before going on exchange to the Netherlands

Submitted by Chris Yeast on July 10, 2019 - 8:12am

Getting that letter stating that you’ve been accepted to the exchange destination of your dreams is a feeling that I cannot describe. Thoughts run through your head at a million miles a minute: will I love it? Will I make memories that will last me a lifetime? Will I form relationships with people I could have never met otherwise? I’m so excited and unsure and amazed and scared… where do I go from here? I made a list to help combat those nerves and answer the questions so that you don’t have to. Here is a list of things I wish I knew before I went on exchange: