Reflections of an Inbound QE Scholar
I was excited about moving to Canada because of its advertised theme of being an open, inclusive society. Undoubtedly, I have enjoyed a greater degree of such hospitality and support. Canadians are generally amazing, affectionate people though I am yet to form meaningful connections outside my cohort, faculty, and staff at VIU.
International Internship Experience at Tobacco Caye Marine Station in Belize
Internship goals:
QES Blog Spotlight - My Research Journey
During the month of November, the International Mobility Office is featuring blog posts that have been written by VIU’s Queen Elizabeth Scholars (QES) who were recipients of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship.
QES Blog Spotlight - Differences to adopt
During the month of November, the International Mobility Office is featuring blog posts that have been written by VIU’s Queen Elizabeth Scholars (QES) who were recipients of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship.
QES Blog Spotlight - Transition to a new way of life
During the month of November, the International Mobility Office is featuring blog posts that have been written by VIU’s Queen Elizabeth Scholars (QES) who were recipients of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship. This opportunity allows participants to actively engage, both academically and practically, in deeply linked issues relating to coastal resilience.
Scholarships that change lives and communities: From Canada to Ghana
My internship for the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee scholarship was at the Wechiau Community Hippo Sanctuary in the Upper West Region of Ghana. One of my most important projects during my time there was to do an evaluation of the Friends of Wechiau scholarship programme, by interviewing students who had won scholarships for senior high school and university studies. I am going to share some of my findings, but first some context for the community I was placed in.
Reflection on my experience as a QES Scholar
I am writing this post after receiving congratulations on the final confirmation of the completion of my Masters of Arts in Sustainable Leisure Management. So, now that I have indeed finished and the document has been sent to the printers, I can breathe, sit back, and reflect on the experience.
The Road to Recovery
Christchurch is a coastal city situated on a major fault line, at risk of tsunami and susceptible to sea level rise caused by climate change. These characteristics could describe countless cities around the world, including many on Vancouver Island. Coastal cities are growing quickly, and the environment is changing faster than we can plan for. This makes them susceptible to unpredictable events which is why Building resilience is incredibly important to ensure coastal cities are prepared for a major disaster and the subsequent road to recovery.
The Power of Perspective
Becoming a global citizen requires patience, tolerance and experience which all depend on the power of embracing different perspectives. Being able to accept and learn from different beliefs and practices allows us to adapt and work together towards global goals such as gender equality.
Copy and Paste: As Simple as Sewing a Straight Stitch
Copy and Paste: As Simple as Sewing a Straight Stitch
Using a computer is a fairly simple task. Turn computer on. Create Word document. Hold shift down to make a capital letter. Press the spacebar after each word. To delete a word, backspace. To delete a paragraph, highlight, then backspace. To undo, press that little arrow in the top left-hand corner, but not too many times or you’ll clear your entire document. A period is a full stop but that little coma thing next to it can be used too, if for a pause.