
How to Fund your Study Abroad Experience

Submitted by Chris Yeast on October 12, 2018 - 8:34am

Studying abroad is an experience of a lifetime. Having the opportunity to study in a foreign country, taking in a new culture, embracing the unknown and maybe even learning a new language is a priceless adventure that unfortunately comes at a price. With that being said, regardless of cost, your journey to global education may be closer than you think.

No Worries Wednesday - Exchange Expenses

Submitted by Chris Yeast on October 10, 2018 - 8:26am

No Worries Wednesday is a series where blog contributors speak to a topic which they were worried before they participated in an International Mobility experience. Leaving all that you are surrounded by and comfortable with can be challenging or even frightening. This series will hopefully dispel myths and ease worries for students who are considering taking part in exchanges, field schools or other international learning opportunities!


No Worries Wednesday - Education Timelines

Submitted by Chris Yeast on October 3, 2018 - 1:56pm

No Worries Wednesday is a series where blog contributors speak to a topic which they were worried before they participated in an International Mobility experience. Leaving all that you are surrounded by and comfortable with can be challenging or even frightening. This series will hopefully dispel myths and ease worries for students who are considering taking part in exchanges, field schools or other international learning opportunities!


Scholarships that change lives and communities: From Canada to Ghana

Submitted by Leslie Burgoyne on September 11, 2018 - 3:03pm

My internship for the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee scholarship was at the Wechiau Community Hippo Sanctuary in the Upper West Region of Ghana. One of my most important projects during my time there was to do an evaluation of the Friends of Wechiau scholarship programme, by interviewing students who had won scholarships for senior high school and university studies. I am going to share some of my findings, but first some context for the community I was placed in.

How I have traveled for free

Submitted by Web Admin on May 30, 2018 - 12:21pm

I am wanderlust. I always wanted to be rich to be able to afford traveling around the world. I thought this was the only way I could, but, man was I wrong!

While on my semester abroad, yes I lived in Germany, but every day through my interactions with other students I was able to feel as if I was in other places. Whether it was going to a Latin bar with the Spanish students, making crepes on Sundays with my French friends, or having a pizza/ board game nights with the Italians, every day I lived in a different culture.

Learning: From Culture Shock and Back Again

Submitted by Web Admin on May 30, 2018 - 12:15pm

I have heard of the term homesick many times, but as I have come back from my semester abroad I am experiencing something that I am not quite sure if there is a term for, but I would describe it as 'exchange-semester sick.'

Going to Germany was really challenging at first. The language gap was difficult. I definitely experienced cultural shocks;

"Why are people not so nice?"
"Why is my pillow squared?"
"Wait, you only take cash?"
"Entschuldigung, sprichst du Englisch?"
... me: "Enough sausages!!!"